19 November 2006

7 weeks tomorrow?

She'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. That's almost two months. I can hardly believe it. Miss E. for SURE is smiling socially (amazing how those smiles light up her face and ours in return), and she is holding up her head much more already. I'm so amazed.

For those of you concerend about my showers... I am showering! Usually in the evenings, now, which isn't quite the same as a morning-wake-me-up shower, but still does the job it is supposed to do: cleaning. And the breast-feeding works well, unless we are in a growth spurt (there was one last week)... doesn't hurt anymore, she's a great little eater, and only in the growth-spurts does she chow down for 1 hour or more at a time.

We've gone out to breakfast with her (careful, precision timing!), and that has worked. And next week we are off to California for Thanksgiving, so she can meet her paternal great-grandparents, see her paternal grandparents and her uncle, meet lots of friends, and see my grandmother (her great-grandma) again. Pretty neat!

I do sometimes feel trapped at the end of the day, and miss my independence. A smile usually takes care of that feeling, but it is there. Motherhood isn't the solution, obviously, to my dissertation and career woes -- in some ways it makes all those things harder -- but, on the other hand, priorities are clear and set for me. Something about that is reassuring.

Other than that I found myself strangely obsessing about the T*mKat wedding over the weekend, checking the websites ridiculously often to see if pictures were posted. Apparently the locals of the town they married in didn't get much of a glimpse, and, purportedly, are pissed off. I can understand that, though, since the castle the two married in was rented out to them for free (is that even rent?) -- for publicity -- which the castle got, but hello, then show yourself to your what seem to have been adoring crowds...
run on sentence galore = I'm signing off!

dandlioneyes at 7:07 pm

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