30 November 2006

home again

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and let the holiday food season begin! I'm bound and determined not to eat sweets in the quantity that I have been... pregnancy was an excuse to enjoy high sugar unhealthy treats, and I must admit I still am eating like I was pregnant. Nursing does require extra calories, but I really don't think I can condone a Hagen Dazs ice-cream a day, or chocolate, or... or... or....

We had a nice trip. Miss E. got to meet her great-Grandparents, and get re-acquainted with my grandmother. Plus, she got to meet a lot of our friends, which was a treat. The house here in Seattle (yes, Seattle had freakazoid weather when we were gone, SNOW!) seems empty right now, and quiet, in comparison to how my last week has gone. That said, it is nice to be home, and Chester the Cat is so happy he is in continous cuddle-mood. I imagine that'll wear off soon, and we'll soon have Chester the Grumpy Cat, the cat who is pissed off for being left alone for a week (with cat-sitter, of course).

I really don't feel like I have much to report. My brain continues to feel like mashed-potatoes, with an inability to think or write clearly. My days just swish by in a haze of diapers and cuddles and nursing-sessions, and I am quite content. The dissertation lurks, though, behind every anxiety, and I just need to pull myself together and start working on it again, and free myself from that burden.

Miss E. smiles daily, now, and frequently, and may even ben vocalizing a giggle. Her stretches of sleep at night are longer (4 hours, sometimes 5 at a time!), and she has discovered that sucking on her hands is an activity of joy and fun. And tomorrow the poor thing gets her shots. She's sucking on her fingers now (read: Mama, feed me!), so off I go....

dandlioneyes at 10:19 am

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