01 December 2006


Poor thing... she had her first set of shots. Five separate needles, 3 in the one thigh, 2 in the other. She cried and cried, and it made me feel so awful. That said, I'm glad for the vaccines against polia, hepatitis, tetanus, a strand of influenze, and -- oh, there's one more, I can't recall right now. Poor thing. She's been clingy today, and cries whenever she wakes up (plus she has been sleeping alot). She had one dose of tylenol... and could have another, but I think I'll wait and see how she reacts the next time she wakes up... she's zonked in her carseat (she never usually sleeps there, but she is happily asnooze). Poor little thing.

dandlioneyes at 2:10 pm

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