27 December 2006

Christmas in Seattle

First Christmas has come and gone. She was more fascinated with the wrapping paper (shiny!) than with the presents the paper contained, but it was still a nice Christmas Eve (fondue) and Christmas Day. My honey doesn't celebrate Christmas, though we celebrated it together -- and it felt at one and the same time nice to be together as a new family, in our PJs, opening presents, as it was difficult for me to not have my family around.

This was my first Christmas without my mom and dad -- and I called them both several times, each, to just hear their voices. Then again, the past few Christmases have been hard for me, since my folks broke up in 2003 and eventually divorced in 2005 ... and the holidays always bring up and out the hardest of emotions, as new people are introduced into the equation. So maybe it was nice indeed, and a blessing in disguise, to have had Christmas in what on the 25th was a beautifully sunny Seattle. We took a 3 mile walk around Green Lake, which felt wonderful.

Miss E. continues to grow (of course) and delights us with her squeals and coos and smiles and antics. She is fascinated by the world. She is fascinated by us, and I have to admit that being THE coolest person on the face of this planet, alongside with my hubby, is pretty spiffy. At least Miss E. thinks so!

Two friends from LA will be here for New Years. More fondue, board games, and I hope laughter and hilarity are planned for the evening. Wishing you all a good start to 2007!

dandlioneyes at 5:02 pm

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