25 January 2007

Where everybody knows your name!

Cliff from Cheers was at my grocery store last night. An older Cliff. He wasn't shopping. And I'm not making this up. True Celebrity Sitting in Seattle last night, at the UVillage QFC. Cliff, aka John, was signing books for two hours. It was strange to see him nestled between the oranges and the melons and the magazine rack. The line was long enough that I didn't stand in it. I didn't know what I would have said to him, anyways. But what is it like to be a celebrity for 11 years on a hit TV show, and then stand next to the apples at a grocery store, where tons of University students who weren't even BORN when you were on TV do their grocery shopping? Where everybody certainly does NOT know your name anymore...? The whole thing struck me as being very odd.

Miss E's Opi is coming into town tonight, and we're looking forward to it. In other E. news, I've become her super-cuddly soft security blanket/stuffed animal thing, aka her Mommy. She can't fall asleep on her own, and I just can't bear to let her really cry it out yet. Now she is curled up on our bed, in the middle of it, propped up by two pillows so she doesn't roll, and I'm trying to get a bit of work done. New schedule: I want to defend by mid-June, and turn it in by mid-July, followed by a vacation in mid-August. TA-DA!

Sigh. That's just f-ing crazy. But being done will be f-ing amazing!

dandlioneyes at 2:25 pm

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