14 March 2007


The hunger I feel while (and after) nursing is just tremendous. I'll start out my morning OK, not too hungry, and by evening, I feel as if I need to eat a 2nd or even 3rd dinner. In part I am allowing myself that, since, even though Miss E. has started some of the mushier foods, I am responsible for the majority of her nourishment. Part of me feels like I need to get a grip, though. I'm in "hunger mode"; that is, my body is convinced that the next famine is around the corner and needs to hold onto every calorie. And thus, the pounds still cling to my stomach and bum and thighs. Yegads. It'll be alright, though.

Chester the cat has one or two more of the bumps, though small, on his abdomen, and I just feel ill about it. He's only 8 years, a middle-aged cat gentleman of the active variety, and I'm not ready to part with him. Perhaps we still have years, that is all up in the air, but I feel like throwing up about it. Thanks for all the kind comments...

dandlioneyes at 11:16 pm

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