24 March 2007


We applied for a passport today for Miss E. A milestone in her life? Perhaps! She'll always be able to look back on the first passport and her first passport picture, and will be surprsied when we tell her she could almost sit up by herself when they took the picture ... almost, but not quite. And to think she'll have this photo until she is 5 years old? Amazing.

She's all around amazing in my book, proud mama that I am.... The "skootching" she is doing by sticking her bum in the air and pushing off just makes me smile (and run to start baby proofing). The ease at which she flips from back to tummy now makes me shake my head, since just a fwe weeks prior she had hated it so much to be on her tummy that she would cry. She has also decided that her mama and baba have neat faces, and will spend a good few minutes each morning exploring our faces with her hands, focusing especially on our noses. Which, compared to her cute one, look huge!

And solid foods? We've had peas, carrots, bananas, pears (a favorite), oatmeal, rice cereal, sweet potatoes and squash. I'll have to make other foods, too, but theese are the ones we have right now. She gobbles the food up, and, if we don't feed her quickly enough, goes "mmmh, mmhhh, mmmh" for more, and waves her little arms. And tends to get pureed pears all over her!

Other than that, I keep on dissertating along....

dandlioneyes at 12:38 am

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