25 March 2007


Thanks for all the comments about Chester the Cat. He's acting fine, despite the fact that he does have three (ugh) mast cell tumors. Which, in 10 days, will be surgically removed. He'll have big stitches, and it will probably hurt, but I just hope that it gets rid of the darn tumors -- and that it is not yet affecting his organs. The last time I was at the vets (on Tuesday of this past week), the doctor let me look under the microscope to see what the tumors look like. The mast cells are these grey, pernicious looking buggers which are amorphous and granular and look really freaky compared to normal cells. Keeping everything crossed.

Miss E. got to go swimming for the first time yesterday... swimsuit, swim diaper and all. She was a bit apprehensive, but in the end thought it was pretty neat. We did, too, though with my post-preggo body I didn't feel too happy in my swimsuit... and then you look at all the kids in the pool and think about how much pee there must be in there.... shudders. Ah, chlorine!

Time to keep editing, she's napping, time is flying....

dandlioneyes at 5:41 pm

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