02 April 2007

6 months already

I don't nearly write as much as I used to, as I could, or as I should. In part, it is because my life revolves around Miss E. these days, and I have a paper diary that I write in to give to her one fine day (when she is much, much older). For another, I just don't have time. And for a third, by the time I do find a minute to sit down, my mommy brain has kicked into full gear and I can't remember what I did all day, let alone what cool things Miss E. did, let alone any interesting thing that has happened to me.

My day did involve oatmeal at my favorite cafe, and Miss E., who is now 6 months (to the day!), got up on her knees and rocked back and forth. She's growing like crazy, and this wiggling motion makes me think "crawling" and then I just shake my head. She's just amazing. I love her so much it hurts.

That's all for the day, but her 6 month half birthday shouldn't go by without me acknowledging it here....

dandlioneyes at 10:10 pm

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