05 April 2007

milk and surgery

Miss E. goes into her own little world when she nurses, wiggling around, playing with her hands, my face, her clothes, my shirt. Then, slowly, the milk coma sets in, her eyelids flutter. Sometimes she'll whimper (no, I don't want to sleep!), but the milk inevitably wins out over her will. She's napping now (up at 6), and I'm trying to get some work done.

We took Chester in for his surgery today, and I'm waiting to hear how he fares. Poor thing. It makes my heart clench up, but we trust the vet, and I am glad they are removing the nasty tumors. They look vile under a microscope -- the vet showed them to me... good ridance, I say, good ridance.

Time for some coffee and to finish up this chapter (3 totally done then, 2 and a conclusion to go... and I've written the 2, I just have to edit!)....

dandlioneyes at 7:44 am

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