09 April 2007


I'm holding down the fort with Miss E. and Chester the cat while my sweetie is in Boston. And Chester the cat apparently apprenticed with Houdini, since he wiggles his way completely out of his gauze-prison (aka Tshirt). I can't get it back on; the formerly sluggish cat (sleeping 20-22 hours a day post-surgery) suddenly got a wave of energy when he saw me with the Tshirt. No ma'am, that isn't going back on. WhatchootalkingaboutWillis?

Sigh. The gashes on his back are hard to look at. Poor kitty. And I found another freaking lump on his neck, no way that can be operated on is my guess. And I doubt I could put him under surgery again anyways. I just hope he has a longish kitty life and is happy. Fingers crossed.

So I'm a bit melancholy tonight, need to work, still thinking about my friend's mother. 30 is far too young to lose a parent.

dandlioneyes at 8:24 pm

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