16 April 2007

grumpy household

We have a very very tired and cranky girl here. She's had no appetite today, nursed some, and has been crying a lot of not held. She also hasn't napped since this afternoon at 2. Sigh. Poor thing. Her mama has a sore throat, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is related to that, but in any case, she's miserable, meaning: we all are. Poor thing, poor thing.

She also fell off of the bed last Thursday. And sobbed. And I felt so extremely guilty. All babies fall, and she was fine, but it just comes to show that she is MOBILE now. She had been propped up by pillows, but she wiggled past them....

Thesis work is going slow slow slow, and I'm anxious about it. But it'll get done, somehow. Sorry, grumpy here, don't have much to say right now. The only good (GREAT!) news today was that those lumps that Chester the Cat had removed were benign. He does NOT have cancer. Which is good, since I found 4 more since the surgery (!)....

dandlioneyes at 8:18 pm

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