19 April 2007

of pediatricians and vets

My big girl got her shots today, poor baby. Two in each leg. She's been hopped up on Tylenol, though, and sleeping well. She's almost 27 inches, nearly 10 inches longer than when she was born. I can't believe she used to be smaller than she is, since I still look at her and can't get over how small and perfect she is. We love our new pediatrician... the one we went to before didn't show us the time of day, and only went by the book (she's x months old and should be doing this, so that's all we'll talk about). My new pediatrician has a bright and sunny office with murals and monkeys hanging off of the wall (not real ones), and Miss E. was fascinated by it all. She's just amazing.

Time to keep working. We released Chester from his cone yesterday, and he curled up in a happy little ball after spending two hours grooming himself. Usually, he isn't so much of a groomer, but I suppose 14 days lick-free turns even the dirtiest cat into a cleanliness freak. His fur is so much softer now. Ah, cat-spit! :-)

dandlioneyes at 9:19 pm

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