08 May 2007

For example...

I just feel like I haven't posted in ages. And I haven't. Two weeks is ridiculous. I used to be a multiple-times-a-day sort of gal, and now this. And there IS lots of stuff going on, I just don't have the wherewithall to post.

For example, Miss E. has learned to crawl. Last Thursday, a day after her 7 month birthday, she jsut took off. The bait: a cellphone. Go figure, she likes modern technology.

For example, Miss. E. went to Boston. And saw the Make Way for Ducklings Duckies. Which were a big hit. She wanted to eat them.

For example, I need to turn in my thesis in two weeks, and then plan the defense. OY!

For example, we've booked tickets to go to Turkey at the end of the summer...

More later, but I've got a parenting support group to go to.

dandlioneyes at 6:10 pm

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