12 May 2007


Anyone want to adopt a cat? He goes NUTS at night, meowing like the world is about to end, and it wakes Miss E. up. Miss E., totally enamored with nursing, needs the b00b to go to sleep, and that means frequent re-nursings whenever Chester wakes her up. I'm about ready to scream. Going.Absolutely.NUTS.

That said, I don't know why other people have lives. I sent out cute pictures of Miss E., and have yet to receive a response in 1.5 hours. So what that it is 2:30 am on the East Coast. That shouldn't matter. People should be checking their e-mail, not "out and about" on town. Harumph. As if. (Suffice it to say that I am jealous, since we've been date-less in Seattle since Miss E. was born.)

Sigh, I'm just a grump tonight.

dandlioneyes at 11:31 pm

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