
ode to a librarian: a flash from my highschool past

1:04 PM. incredible. and i have done WHAT today?

well, done more outlining on my paper. my strategies of paper writing are odd. i basically plan the whole thing, each paragraph, before i do the research, because, afters kimming a few books, i know what i want to say. then, i search for the things to fill into those paragraphs. the thing is, that's counterintuitive, but it sort of works. but it's also unproductive, because i need data, damn it!

it was supposed to rain in california today. and it drizzled. i was looking forward to the rain, because it looks gorgeous outside and all i want to do is take a hike or so, but NO, working away. or writing in this journal.

the weekend is little solace, because i'm swamped. and i have a bridal shower to go to (six of my friends are getting married, last june through next june. that's nuts)

ok, that's enough for right now. all the best to whomever is reading this (that would be ME! hi me!)

here a little poem for everyone's enjoyment, written by my best friend from high school and myself. about the library. where we always hung out and were troublemakers, as mr. poole and mrs. khalidi and 'doh, can't remember the other woman's name... always said.

Mr. Poole, I felt sorry for you when I saw that you

> had no mail so I

> decided to write you a poem. Here it goes:

> > Ode to the librarian

> By S.K. and J.J. (Copyrights

> apply)

> > Twas in the Library that I first laid eyes

> on the glorious volumes of books,

> I searched and I searched, for a very good book

> But that I could not find.

> > That is when I discovered the librarian,

> so witty, so helpful and wise

> who pointed to callnumber BT838s

> and therefore we write this ode to the librarians

> > in our undying thankfulness,

> to the librarian

> who lets us


> and


> and

> T A L K

> in the Library.

and this was the mr. poole's response, after we e-mailed him our poem (which didn't rhyme, and, upon rereading, sucked)

> well thank you for the little

> poem, except you make a

> little mistake, it is not true that you are quiet in

> the library, not in

> Rowley. You and your friends are all loud, eat and

> drink when possible

> and try to hide from the librarians. will continue

> this later as

> someone needs to use the computer for real library

> work.


That's all for now. back to work.

dandlioneyes at 1:04 p.m.

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