
tools and harrison

friday morning.

i was up until 4 last night, couldn't sleep. one of those it's a full moon and i am probably part werewolf things. one of those i shouldn't have had coffee at 9 PM sort of things. one of those i drink one cup of coffee, and from 2 am to 4 am, i literally get up to go to the bathroom 12 times. stoooopid!

so i slept in, no classes friday, but have to go in for journal meeting tonight. sigh.

also a weird day: robert tools, the heart implant guy, is ot expected to make it. but july 2nd until november 30th is quite something, especially since they didn't give him a month. and then george harrison died, of the beatles. sad things. he wrote here comes the sun.

ok, i have 4 hours and 30 minutes to actually work today, so i need to skeedaddle.


dandlioneyes at 11:06 a.m.

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