06 December 2001

more philosophizing

you know, life is interesting. it can change so much, so quickly, and we have no way of knowing how it well, when it will, if it will, or why. i anticipate being in philly next year, as in i know i will be there not as in i am happy about it, which i am not, but who know. i anticipate sticking with grad school despite my doubtsdoubtsdoubtstiredofthiscraprightnow, but who know. isn't that curious?

i have been reading perceptions.diaryland.com, what an odd guy. strangely addicting, though i don't like him as a person. but he write well.

saw someone who references a misspiggy.diaryland.com, a 60 year old woman who decided she was a lesbian and doesn't love her husband anymore after 40 years. that's what prompted me to write about life is interesting, it can change so much: i just thought of what her life must be going through, her husband, her kids. why are we interested in other people's stuff?

i am glad i am happy. i am glad that i moved to the i-house in 1997 when i did, that i asked emre out. which i almost didn't do, because i was nervous (thnx michelle for the encouragement and lending me your nice sweater (jumper?!) for my first date with emre). i'm glad that i have my good friends, and glad for my family. i anticipate(happily) my next 10-20-30-40-50-60 years of life, knock on wood, cross my fingers, ojala, inshallah, hoffentlich, hopefully: kids, family, a house, lazy saturdays with emre, hiking, holidays, some trips, meaningful work.

what an entry. ponderingponderingpondering. but happily so. and work? pshaw. right now, istemiyorum, i don't wanna work, wanna play on the drums all day.

wishing my dear dear friend applying to certain colleges on the east coast that i am very familiar with luck of all lucks. see my kismet entry.

bathtime,worktime,bedtime,dreamtime,alarmclocktime, wakeuptime,schooltime,librarytime,meetingtime,traintime,citytime, symphonytime,traintime,cartime,hometime,bedtime. my next 25 hours or so.

plus i want to know the name of the little japanese princess.

dandlioneyes at 10:41 pm

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