09 December 2001


friday to saturday night my leg cramped up and it hurt all day yesterday. no such event last night. i did have an odd dream about living back in the i-house, with a friend from upenn, kwali, as my roommate. our other upenn friend had left, but came back. not interesting to anyone who doesn't know my buddies, but man, the memories of showering in slippers to avoid the fungus on the ground (and in the dream, NO SLIPPERS!), the memory of having to eat at certain times on command - oooops, lunch time, gotta eat, even if i am not hungry!1


but there WAS pog, passionfruit, orange and guava. either you understood pog, or you didn't. i did. and would drink 2 glasses, no ice, for breakfast. the color was slightly ectoplasmic and scary, but i am sure that was just from the rusty equipment it sat in.... ;)

ok, to work.

toodles for now!

dandlioneyes at 10:14 am

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