12 December 2001


the fumes, the fumes!

i have been cleaning like nutso. with all sorts of bacterial sprays, scrubbing bubbles, etc.

goes to show that the american obsession with cleanliness has now hit me.


cleaning time!

it is all about procrastination.

i got a beautiful present from thailand from my former singaporian roommate yesterday,a pillowcase that was just gorgeous, in reds and browns and blacks with lots of beads.

i had a lovely phonecall with m wonerful buddy katrin in germany today, for an hour, which was great: what has happened to our gradeschool friends, we wondered, and how to get out of this @#$%^& quarterlife crisis we all seem to be in!

if anyone has solutions to this quarterlife crisis, just holler. help appreciated!

so i'm cleaning, STILL in my pj's at 2:30 pm, but in a good mood.


dandlioneyes at 2:30 pm

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