16 December 2001

curdled eggnog

adding an entry. i was awake by 6:45. snoozed. slept. re-set my alarmclock. i am a sleep fiend right now. busy day today it will be, just me and the bird walter. my cat, chester, is still on extended kitty vacation in chicago post summer trip to sweden, germany and turkey, post september 11 when my folks didn't want to fly out and return him to me. which i totally understand. so we have replacement walter, walter the bird who usually stays at emre's parents, walter the bird who i like a lot, actually, though he is a bird, not a cat. walter who gets to go back to piedmont when chester returns.


i made an eggnog latte. let me repeat: i MADE an eggnog latte. coffee (nes) and eggnog. and sugar. yesterday, perfect. today: the eggnog curdled. i find that disturbing.

towork towork towork!

i will try and not whine today. that would be a waste of time.i need to be super productive.

oh, and i am still drinking the eggnog latte i made. of course.

dandlioneyes at 9:29 am

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