22 December 2001

bounce bounce

well, dec 22. in chicago. of course.

we went to the mexican museum in pilsen today, which was quite fun. the giftshop (jeeeez - no talk of the museum, just the shop? commercial me.) was nice; got presents for two of my german friends.

otherwise, biked on the exercize bike, and not much else. the sleep i'm getting isn't so great, which frustrates me.

hope all of you are well.


the tree is all decorated and looks beautiful. we got mini glass ornaments.


ah, one thing: i saw dr. david derbes at walgreens in hyde park today: my lab physics teacher! it was so wonderful; he remembered me (ms. jacobsen, german pronounciation; and he remembered! he always was polite and called people by their last names). he asked about bezerkeley, asked about my life (i told him about emre, and he congratulated me on finding the guy i want to spend the rest of my life with); turns out his family has one greek root from near konya, a town that used to be called derbe (his name is derbes), and it is now dizli or something. small village. i'll see on a map. he remembered sophia (how the heck IS miss kamberos), and it was just really nice. he was as sort of messy and frazzled as usually, and needed a haircut. how nice that was! (sophia and i always used to say: derbes, bounce, bounce. no idea why)


i am going to work on dinner now!

dandlioneyes at 6:09 pm

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