30 December 2001

puffy eyes

late, about 24 hours before the new year. am emotionally exhausted tonight after a fit of crying - mostly the whole "what will i do with my future" thing/question. it's frustrating working, working hard (sometimes) towards a goal, as it were, and not knowing what comes after the goal, what the ends are to these means.

plus, i wish i could sustain a passion for something long enough, or that i had an "ur-passion" as it were.

plus, i hate crying this much because the next day my eyes are puffy and i look scary! (but as i write the above it makes me laugh).

ringing in the new year soon. 24 hours. downtown chicago was cold as cold can be, and i took cabs, not the bus, which felt luxurious.

wishes of peace and joy and happiness and success. we all have a little need for that.

dandlioneyes at 11:16 pm

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