01 January 2002

gingerall, scrabble, and frenetic new year!

my welsh gbl friend said, a la counting crows who we saw in concert together: it's been a long december and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.

i hope so!

played scrabble until 12:45 with my dad; at around 11:59 we turned on the radio, with no tv here, thinking we had about 5 minutes until 2002, which we have now... and we heard 5 4 3 2 1 happy new years!

we clinked gingerale glasses, and then i called emre to tell him in california what the future was like, since i was in 2002 and he still in 2001!

in any case, feel frenetic this morning, sort of rushed for no reason, but that's ok, too.

off to the exercize bike, off to a late start of the day, off to a good day, i hope!

the portobello mushrooms got postponed until today because we went to the thai place for dinner last night after the 3 hours lotr marathon, so hungry were we!

so, they get eaten today. with the pie.

dandlioneyes at 10:48 am

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