01 January 2002

llaregub, except i don't really mean it

day 1 is over. in leguin's book i'm reading now, dark side of evil (?) title is all wrong, each new year is called year 1. it resets. that messes history up pretty well, i'd guess. the people in her book are also androgynous, go into heat, and depending on who they are around, can become a man or a woman. can bear children one time around and can father the child the next time around.


i'm sort of tired tonight, and a bit worried about facing my school fears, what'll happen in the long run, etc. etc. i've been lacadasical. it'll get jumpstarted, i just am not ready yet, prefering the oblivion of novels, lots and lots of chocolate, winter walks, and chasing the cat.


ah well. on an aside, llareggub hill is the name of the town in dylan's under milkwood. turns out that is bugger all backwards, which is just brilliant.

love to all!

dandlioneyes at 10:46 pm

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