26 January 2002

a rainy saturday in the apartment with fiance and cat

saturday morning and rain rain rain rain rain. had funky dreams all night, about chasing chester, german cars not being driven faster by drivers but DESIGNED to go faster (highly touch sensitive)...

now, to face the saturday. i still don't know what classes i'm taing. not really ready to face the saturday, either, blah.

lying in bed reading novels sounds good.

the movie last night was just super heavy. made both of us feel bad. i thought it was good though, though the characters were "eh". didn't really like any of them.

drinking boston tea today, as in the tea that was dumped in boston during the boston tea parties. erdem gave some to emre, and it's good. gunpowdery, not perfumy.

to work, to translate! adelante amigos.

dandlioneyes at 11:44 am

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