16 February 2002


saturday. the sore throat is feeling better. that is, it is gone(ish).

scrubbed the bathroom, and the fumes pervade the apartment. but it is now sparkly clean. chester's litter box got a scrub, too. man. those are certainly details everyone wanted to hear, eh? ;)

anyways, it is clean. which is good. the bedroom is next. but i might have some chips and salsa first. yes.

it was realy nice not to set the alarm this morning. i slept like a log, about 9-10 hours, really deeply. and that with a nap yesterday afternoon of 2 hours. i guess i needed it.

so, the apple pie for this evening is done (postponed the visit of emre's mom and grandparents until today), the fish is marinating, and i feel on top of things this morning. afternoon. it's quite nice.

that's all for now, folks!

dandlioneyes at 12:03 pm

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