18 February 2002

i've got the blues, na na na na na

president's day, laundry day, defer my loans day. really not a heck of a lot going on. for a "vacation" day "off" i'm going to be working, did not sleep more than 7 hours, and i feel grumpy-esque. not full-fledged grumpy: that would only arise if i was totally unproductive today.

emre and i are starting a work-out schedule. tuesday and wednesday we swim (separately: emre at stanford and i at berkeley), and friday and sunday we jog, here at don edwards nature preserve by the bay. we'll see. i'm determined to keep it up. i'm pissed off that jeans that fit 2 years ago don't fit at all, like at ALL, and that jeans that fit last year are tight and uncomfy. i can't keep on up-sizing like this. really. bad policy. plus, i hate feeling out of shape, huffing and puffing when i friggin' WALK around. ok. enough of my *almost quarter of a century* blues.

more later!

dandlioneyes at 11:39 am

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