26 February 2002

let the moods be over with

all was quiet on the dland front, as all is quiet on the western front of california.

headache, too, massive, aleve is my best friend.

its also a full moon, which aggravates the headache and the mood.

my mood is grump, 100% grump(iness).

no work getting done, classes annoy the hell out of me, i need to find 1500$ to go to finland this summer for SUMMER SCHOOL (bleh), and otherwise, not much.

emre's uncles passed away yesterday, which explains the quietness. that has been hard.

ok, reading reading read. to do. invoices were found in the midwest, and hockey games won creating happiness for a canadian welsh gal who hopefully celebrated with bailey's!

let the moods be over with!

dandlioneyes at 9:07 am

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