28 February 2002

c'est tout for now

oh what a day, oh what a da-ay-ay! a la saw doctors.

beautiful. chester has been walked. and we climbed a tree. sort of. i put an end to that process rather soon.

a day which should hopefully be productive.

after my positive day entry yesterday, the evening was mellow and i felt grumpy and a bit depressed. overwhelemd, and lack of motivation, same old, same old. then again, that's cyclical, isn't it? watched enterprise. i surprise myself sometimes by likeing certain shows.

and then, today, i get to be home. hopefull i'll go outside again after i did laundry, maybe read outside? on the balcony? i mean, it is stunningly beautiful.

and i'm mellow, tired, cleaned the bathroom sink, tired, wish i didn't have to work.

and there there is finland.

ah yes, finland. no one is throwing $ at me to go, so i'll have to dig a bit.

c'est tout for now.

dandlioneyes at 11:36 am

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