09 March 2002

yes, i need to get my a$% in gear

i think this is the week, coming up, where i get my little a%$ in gear for the rest of the semester.





manohmanohman. i'll need to do that this summer, uhmmhmm, as well.

so i'm a bit nervous tonight, to say the least, but trying to stay calm and keep up a non-nervous attitude, to keep on going. mostly -- well, with being sick since monday night, it is a little bit difficult, to say the least... not having done work, and today, feeling better, not wanting to work and have fun instead.

and i'm running on my sentences.

c'est la vie.

going to watch bicentennial man, and tomorrow is my day of: LOTS AND LOTS OF WORK AND THEN DINNER AT EMRE'S FOLKS.

why all caps? beats me. MOTIVATION RAHRAH!

dandlioneyes at 10:22 pm

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