15 March 2002


so funny, adding an entry, morning, not really sure what to write.

yesterday was marin county. which was lovely, but required an hour drive up, and an hour and a half drive back, because of traffic, which sucked. i had to keep the AC on even though it was chilly in order to stay awake, sleepy me.

my grandma, gabe and i went out to lunch at the thai place, which resulted in food coma, which resulted in headache for the rest of the day. pruned the roses which always is a joy to me, got a bday present for my good friend cameron, what else... oh yeah, drove back, blah.

tried to get work done last night, got a little done.

and pac bell calls this morning to ask if we got the phone book they delivered and who they were talking to. at 8 am. i mean, really. it pissed me off.

ok, that's a longer entry than i've written in a while.

toodles, going to toddle off now, to borrow 2 phrases my chicago buddy uses!

dandlioneyes at 9:22 am

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