08 April 2002

whole foods, bulk

honestly, i don't have much to say.

we went to whole foods for groceries. they have fruit slices so you can try your braeburn or gala apples. and they had papayas, we got one. and dried cranberries in bulk. and, yes, bulk foods. love bulk foods. we got pastas, and quinua (no idea how that will taste) and cereals, soy and rice milk, and feel might healthy about it. fun.

anyways, otherwise, just lots of great and funny e-mails today that made me smile a lot.

and fatigue from school, massively, and not wanting to write a rough draft, at all. and not having ANY ideas for my proposal for the anthro class. so my nerves are a bit fraught, and i'm tired, but c'est la vie.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 9:24 pm

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