13 April 2002

jog, panic, potatoes

eh. so so day.

really. some of it downright sucked, tempertantrum and flailing and all. my usual "ackihateschoolnevergoingtogetalldoneintime" thing.

yeah, that.

some parts of it were nice. we jogged at don edwards wildlife preserve. i did good on my jog.

we were going to have baked potatoes (you know, i can imagine some random person who doesn't know me reading this and thinking: boring boring boring, why do i care about her baked potatoes). well, my response to that is: I CARE about my baked potatoes, the potato parts of which have sprouted into potato-y forrests. meaning no baked potatoes, damn.

that's it.

dandlioneyes at 7:47 pm

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