19 April 2002


today's stats: (stealing them right back, missy! ;)

i feel: groggy and i miss emre who is on his way to boston.

i want: a nap. with emre.

last night i: had a nice dinner in piedmont and did an awful lot of driving: newark stanford and back and newark piedmont and back.

today i feel: like i said. groggy. but ok.

i am thinking: that if i don't get my butt in gear with school... --------- (complete in your mind what might happen if i don't do schoolwork)

i am drinking: rum and coke. no. not at 11:56 am. that would be nice, though.

i am wearing: why do you care???

i am listening to: the hum of this computer, but i'll put on joan baez shortly

i am reading: nothing. the rough draft of my paper, soon.

i am obsessed with: trying to get out of the house once a day this weekend since i am alone: tonight to get coffee with my friend valerie, tomorrow to go to my grandma's. and sunday, no plan yet.

today's tidbits: aren't any. too much driving. i had the AC on and listened to indigo girls really loudly and was going 78 mph and felt pretty damn cool

in other news: friend of a friend got engaged. i sent her a congrats card because the high is fantastic

wow. that about wraps up my day. except now i have to work

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 11:56 am

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