23 April 2002

duvarlar, but not ones of my own building, thank goodness!

totally normal entry from an under-caffeinated under-slept individual who feels crabby and crappy and grumpy this morning. sigh.

long day ahead, not sure exactly what i'm doing... BUT LONG DAY AHEAD.


a film by Can Candan (Director in person)

2000 USA/TURKEY, video, 83 min.

in Turkish, German, English (with subtitles)

Duvarlar-Mauern-Walls, is a trilingual documentary about a moment in the recent

history of the largest minority in re-unfied, post-Wall Berlin, Germany: the immigrant community from Turkey, as witnessed by a Turkish filmmaker from the United States. In the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the

unification of the two Germanys, 1991 was the year when anti-foreigner violence in Germany was becoming too visible to ignore. 1991 was also the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the migration from Turkey to Germany. In this

film, immigrants from Turkey talk about their past, present, and possible future, reflecting on what the opening of the Wall and the unification of the two Germanys meant for them and how increasing hostilities are affecting their

sense of belonging in the new Germany.Duvarlar-Mauern-Walls, is a personal view from the periphery by a filmmaker who is simultaneously an insider and an outsider.

going to see this film on friday. 2 languages i actually speak. 1 i was learning, at least a tidbit little bit.

yeah. that's it

dandlioneyes at 8:46 am

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