22 May 2002

sharks, sushi, and sutlac


we have the anthro potluck today

i made sutlac, in 10 little bowls, and i think it turned out fantastic. it always makes me happy when something i make turns out, and it is relatively easy, and people are impressed. like sushi.

though, on that note, i'm all de-sushied for a while. had too much of a good thing for a while, and need a break.

meanwhile it is 1:50PM, i forgot to keep typing, yeah. uhm.

you know, now that the semester is over, it is hard to find much to write about, though i will be busy. just wrote to finland to ask them to reserve a hotel for me. hopefully katrin or/and sophia will be able to come to helsinki and meet up with me.

so, friends and anonymous readers, how are you?

week is halfway over, that's good.

here's a question: what do i do with my engagement ring when i go swimming in hawaii this summer?

i am freaked out about sharks, massively.

and they like sparkly things. my ring=a sparkly thing.

so, what to do????????????

leave it at the bed and breakfast? NO.

on the beach, in a towel? NO.

on my finger to be a little tempting bobble for a little sharky?


so i don't know what to do.

dandlioneyes at 1:38 pm

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