14 June 2002

updates and breakfast

good morning people.

i just made breakfast so i can't write long.


1) might win a jaguar (filled out a prize drawing at the mall and we're finalists).

2) to win a jag, we have to listen to one of those time share lecture things. uhm, blah. but, if we LISTEN to the thing, we'll win a trip to san diego. that floats my boat. that would rock.

3) breakfast is ready and i'm hungry.

4) june 14 2002. we're getting married in ONE YEAR! ;) from today!

5) emre is getting his masters from stanford. the paperwork finally went through, and he got an a in the class he needed an a in. fantastic!

6) i still must write about wedding plans in more detail.

7) and i'll put up a link to pictures i took over my past chicago trip.

laters gaters

after a while, crocodile

too soon, baboon

okeedokee artechoke!

dandlioneyes at 10:20 am

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