29 June 2002

a ramble about collections


i'm obsessed with harry potter online trading cards. there are 72 in all to get. how old am i? yes, almost a quarter of a century years old, but i'm obsessed. 1987-1989, in berlin, i was obsessed with real cards for the World Wildlife Fund, which actually contributed $$ for every random pack of stickers you got. And that was like 300 stickers. I bought the last six. why am i capitalizing all of the sudden, ack! in any case, this is a virtual collection, annoying as !@#$%, and taking away from my work time.

finland conference paper is atrophying away on my staroffice word processing, and i'm just ready for a vacation.

kauai, here we come! (soon).

dandlioneyes at 9:06 pm

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