18 August 2002

in and out burgers and SUVs

being easily amused:


yes, indeed.

it is sunday, i am still in my pijamas. ordering a new laptop computer for the school year, not because anything is wrong with this 200$ desktop i have (we pieced it together, sort of), not at all, i've loved this computer. NO. instead, i don't want to ship this whale, a), and b) i think a laptop will actually make me more productive. like working at van pelt. things like that.

we saw minority report again last night. i'd seen it with gabe, but we saw it together last night, which was nice. and had in and out burgers, which, though a so-cal chain, is living up to its reputation. made me QUITE happy.

in any case, back to work. report for my RAship is due tomorrow.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 12:59 pm

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