13 September 2002

awesome teaching and a swim

today, in a nutshell.

1) taught a fantastic section. i loved the kids. they laughed at my jokes (imagine THAT!). taught them all about folklore. yes. penn students, too, have folklore. the button? supposed to have sex under it. yeah. things like that.

2) swam 45 minutes. i now feel like jello and comatose to boot, but man, that was nice.

3) have a neighbor who turns up the !@#$%^& subwoofer on his video games and it sounds like i have the football players from his game right in my living room. damnit.

4) still trying to write. made progress last night, slower today.

later, gaters.

(UGH ABOUT THE GOATHEAD -- which only one of my loyal readers will get.)

HAPPY FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, TOO, a very folkloric day!

dandlioneyes at 8:53 pm

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