17 September 2002


its 8:30 pm. i watched a rerun of buffy. new season starts soon. that's my one TV vice.

its hot, and i've decided to keep the windows open and not turn on the AC. i'm trying to work. i get an apt. at the optometrist for next week to get fitted for contacts (for the wedding.) i dunno, i can't concentrate. been apart from my sweetie for over 2 weeks, which is about as long as we were apart when i was in finland, and the longest time we've been apart in one year. it wears on me. i can't concentrate as well, and generally, i'm not as happy.

i did, speaking of happiness, make the effort today to smile and say hi to random people on my walk over the bridge this morning. i think it cheered me up, and maybe the people i greeted?

my dingdong neighbor is back, and he plays loud music. my blood pressure already is rising because of it. jeesh.

night, all.

dandlioneyes at 8:26 pm

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