20 September 2002

it can be so rich

i have not been so tired in a long time. i think, partially, its the amnt. of exercise i've been making myself do. taught, today, too, which is a song and a dance performance.... sigh. it wasn't so stellar today. the apt. is messy, i'm lonely, but hanging in there. i smell like chlorine. it was a good swim, empty pool, until olympic swim team guys jumped in and made some waves. not literally swim team guys, but hey, it was close. just the waves made the swim difficult.

but fun. heard about the death of my good friend's mother - how it happened, what it was like. i think that's partially why i'm a bit drained. not an easy part of life.

take care, my friends.

life isn't easy, but it can be so rich. it can take time, working on personality, working on balance, working on getting good friends. i'm working on managing anxiety (by swimming), and on actually believing in myself. so it isn't easy, but it can be so rich.

dandlioneyes at 8:11 pm

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