01 October 2002

Botany Bay and my Love

MY SWEETIE WILL BE BACK TOMORROW! And I can hardly sit still!!!


That, and I am head over heels into folksongs. I can now say, on a plane, when someone asks me when I tell them I'm a folklorist: "Do you know any good jokes?" "No ma'am/sir, BUT I CAN SING ONE HELL OF A VERSION OF FOGGY DEW OR BOTANY BAY! Come on, dare me!"

Farewell ye picks and mortars,

Farewell ye dirty lies

Farewell to the gangways and the gangplanks

And to hell with overtime!

For the good ship Ragamuffin

Is lying at the Quay.

For to take poor Pat with a shovel on his back

To the shores of the Botany Bay.



dandlioneyes at 9:29 pm

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