07 October 2002


i have really really big self-discipline issues.

REALLY big. it's absolutely lousy.

so, yes, i'm in graduate school.

so, yes, i don't have course work anymore.

so, yes, i'm living in an apartment with cable tv (who ever thought i would become a tv addict?)

so, yes, i have ridiculous amnts of work to do. bleh. and am i doing any of it?


graded student papers this weekend, which was fun. learned something from them, sort of, but mostly, it was just fun. because it felt productive. because it had to get done. because if i didn't finish that work, i'd not be doing my job.

my own research, however, who cares if it doesn't get done?

i have such a pipe dream: lottery. indepently wealthy. buy a farm on kauai, between anini beach and hanalei. move there. sell avocados and mangoes to tourists. eat avocados and mangoes. swim with turtles.

it's well into october, a week, and i'm nervous.

dandlioneyes at 9:42 pm

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