14 October 2002

t-od-day and funky dreams, which i had, but don't write about

not much to say, but it was a good day.

yesterday: sightseeing with emre's brother, a cheesesteak that was delish but made me realize: OK, no more cheesesteaks for a year. i could feel my arteries harden.

great dinner in bryn mawr with idil and her mom, woohoo, fun dinner!

today: saw my advisor, who normally lives in germany, so this was a big deal. she was visiting. it was good, but, of course, i make it hard on myself, so i stressed. we had about the most casual talk we have ever had, so i was also pleased about that. some dinner snafu issues, but otherwise, nice.

alrighty, folks. i've got a headache and a conference in rochester.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 10:17 pm

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