20 October 2002

Signage Issues

Details will, indeed, have to follow, but Rochester, or, rather, THE DRIVE BACK FROM ROCHESTER TO PHILADELPHIA, was a bit of a nightmare.

Rochester and the conference itself were fine. Saw some friends, etc. etc. Had some nasty run ins with various professors that didn't make me happy.



The drive back was insane. I'm talking about SIGNAGE.

Or the lack thereof. Tried to go to Ithaca, NY, were Cornell is. Bermuda triangle, bad signage, couldn't find it.

Oh yes, and 81, New York's THRUWAY? We found signs saying "To Thruway", which, apparently, in upstate NY signage, means "To and Over the Thruway so that you, the lost driver, can look at it, but not actually ever drive your car ONTO the Thruway."

Man oh man, what a mess.

Details to follow.

Later Gaters!

dandlioneyes at 3:50 pm

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