26 October 2002

and welcome back: statistics!

today's stats:

i feel: sore-throaty and unproductive.

i want: to take a bath. and read novels. and quit grad school. and move to kauai. and have an organic farm. and eat lots of banana joe pineapple and banana smoothie things.

last night i: "finished" a draft of my grant proposal. watched old buffy episodes.

today i feel: annoyed. stressed. headachy. sore-throaty. lonely. but all in all, actually, OK. weirdly enough.

i am thinking: i'd rather be planning my wedding!

i am drinking: i am not.

i am wearing: sweatpants and a shirt.

i am listening to: the sound of the freight train going by outside

i am reading: too much news

i am obsessed with: world news

today's tidbits: my finger hurts. in a weird way. like i sprained my middle finger on my left hand. no idea how that could have happened. OH, and my cat broke my lightbulb for the umpteenth time. he is obsessed with knocking down a certain light. which then breaks. the bulb. and i have no more replacement bulbs. drives me nuts.

dandlioneyes at 8:47 pm

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