01 November 2002

mood swing central

i'm moody like anything.

the house is a mess. work is not happening. i'm sort of tired, sort of not. i'm stomping around the house, sort of cleaning, sort of not. i'll have to vacuum.

i'm so sick and tired of-

-well, i don't even know.

i was happy with my grant proposal text. and now i have to write exams, all juggled with the happiness of seeing my sweetie, grading papers (oh joy), and departmental politics. i guess what it amounts to is that i am, indeed, burned out. big time. and a bit lonely. and a bit unhappy. but just a bit on all of those, and a lot on the burned out. i'll clean up the place, that's always good. drink some water. try and digest the massive amounts of candy i ate (halloween related).

hope you folks out there are happy tonight.

dandlioneyes at 10:02 pm

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