09 November 2002

the aftermath

ok, long day--

we looked at williams and sonoma for wedding registry stuff. -XXXXXXXX- didn't like it. things were big. big plates. big knives. fee fi fo fum, jack in the beanstalk giant who would use those knives and plates. 1/2 liter of coffee, anyone?

so we've registered at macy's and at crate and barrel, but not yet, really. we'll cut down the list, add things.

that was nice.

the whole religion talk this morning was exhausting. my eyes still hurt from crying, and i'm tired.

but the wedding stuff has been nice. i'm calming down. the work isn't getting done, but i'm feeling calmer, no tight nervous chest.

i wish that this year was over, exams were over. oh yes. that would be nice.

good night, folks!

dandlioneyes at 10:30

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